How To Get Free Email Hosting With Domain Name
Today we are presenting this easy tutorial for new bloggers and webmasters. If you own a website or blog and you want a custom email address instead of gmail or yahoo then you'll definitely love this tutorial. Many web hosts provide email hosting service but they charge you around 3-4$ per month. But if you have a domain name then you don't have to pay for email hosting, lets utilize your domain name to get a free email hosting.
How To Get Free Email Hosting :
There are so many free email hosts but I recommend Zoho Mail because this email host provides the best features at no cost. If you have a small business or website then it's perfect for all your needs. You can also buy a premium plan. Here is the price list :
You can go with the Lite* plan, using a Zoho Mail account is very easy. You can set up your domain within 5 minutes and you are ready to go.
How To Setup Domain Name With Zoho Mail :
- Go to Zoho Mail.
- Type your domain name and click on Add Domain.
- Just fill the Sign Up form with your correct info.
- If you need any help in configuring MX records then just go to MX records configuration page. You can also register a domain name from GoDaddy at $2.95/Year.
How to add MX records - GoDaddy :
- Step 1 : Login to your GoDaddy Account and go to Domains.
- Step 2 : Expand your Domains and click on the Launch button across that domain name.
- Step 3 : Now click on DNS Zone File tab.
- Step 4 : In DNS Zone File tab, click on Edit link.
- Step 5 : Now search MX (Mail Exchanger). Now click on "Quick Add" and add the your MX records in the table one by one.
- Step 6 : Now just click on Save Zone File and in the confirm dialog that appears, click "OK".
Conclusion :
It is the best way to get free email hosting, it works better than premium email hosting. If you have a small business or website then you can use Zoho Mail to make it more professional. I hope this post will help you to get the best email hosting for free. Please leave your views about this article. If you still need any help, you can contact me via our Contact Us page.
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